Saturday, January 15, 2011

skunks are excellent diggers

If the last video looked to long and boring to watch, here's the quick and dirty:
In the first 24-hour period of mounting a camera over our crawlspace, there were 2 cats, 1 opossum, and 2 skunks that went through the access hole. Over the next 24 hours, one of the skunks returned a few times and slipped around the board I used to cover the hole.

The next day I got a second board to put in so that I could adequately cover the cole to hopefully dissuade at least the skunks from returning. Apparently there is something very interesting underneath our house, because this is what I caught on camera the next night (the whole video is sped up 2x):

As you can see, that skunk was very determined, and stayed under the house for over 7 hours this time, which makes me afraid he(she?) might be nesting. The other thing this video confirmed is that there are 2 skunks with full tails, not just one. That means there are not 2 but 3 skunks that visit our house (the last skunk in the latest video was the third skunk).

Yesterday I threw in a few logs to prevent the critters from reaching the dirt on the bottom to dig. They had been sitting by the side of our house since we went camping in October, so now they can sit under our deck doing something more useful. Last night was the first critter-free night since Tuesday, so I don't yet know how this new barrier will work. Maybe the skunks are taking some time to formulate a plan...

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