Thursday, January 13, 2011

Welcome to Hotel California

You may recall the opossum and skunk excitement we had last Fall. Unfortunately it isn't over. On two occasions in the last month we woke up to the unmistakable smell of skunk. I got the trusty infrared camera from school again and set it up under our deck to keep an eye on the access hole to our crawl space to get an idea of what we were up against. Here are the highlights from Tuesday morning until Thursday morning. Sorry, still no sound. Maybe put some music on while you watch.

As you can tell, it's quite the busy place. I shortened the sections where the critters were actually under the house. With the exception of the first cat (which I never saw leave but have seen around the premises the last few days) none of them stayed longer than a few minutes.

Feel free to leave suggestions in the comment section of what you think our next actions should be.

1 comment:

  1. are officially named the new Hospitality "House" of the neighborhood!! :0
    Have you tried the moth balls yet??
